All of the residents of this unique township have the right to know what decisions their elected officials are making on their behalf. Joyfield Residents for Accountable Government have taken it upon themselves to established this blog. It will give residents who choose to use technology, a location to find information about township business, until the Joyfield Township Government develops a website of their own.

Feel free to e-mail your questions or comments.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Information Packed Post- Joyfield PC 11-21-2013

You can find here:

  1. New JPC Public Input Policy
  2. Agenda- including Township Board Members Present
  3. Don Tanner's letter concerning zoning districts. 
  4. Don Tanner's proposed commercial/residential mixed use area map
  5. JPC proposed future land use map
  6. Link to one hour meeting video  Click HERE.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Joyfield Township Draft Master Plan

The Joyfield Planning Commission with permission from the Joyfield Township Board have released this Draft Master Plan to the public for review and comment.  You can see the document at this LINK

This document will be used as the basis for ZONING!! Zoning is regulation (laws) of controlling how land is used. 

Here is a LINK to the Draft Master Plan for Arcadia Township for comparison. 

Twp Snowplowing up for Bid............

Thursday, October 3, 2013

10-2-2013 Joyfield TWP board- Agenda and Notes-

Joyfield Twp Board 10-2-2013 from Joyfield Residents on Vimeo.

Snow Plow Contract for 2013-2014 
New Township Printer
Draft Master Plan to Be Released to Public for Comment
Citizen Planner Courses- Who's Paying-
Benzie County Road Commission- Millage

Monday, September 23, 2013

Saturday, September 7, 2013

The Master Plan Scope of Work

These pages are the Beckett & Raeder  Collaborative Master Plan Scope of Work, for anyone who is interested in seeing what is involved in developing the Master Plan.  The Joyfield Planning Commission is working on Tab 3.    Downloadable version click here.
Uploaded large size for easy reading.

9-4-2013 Joyfield Twp Board Video

Click Here

See Agenda(Previous Post) for topics discussed.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Joyfield Board Meeting 9-4-2013 Agenda & Notes

Agenda & notes:  Click "read more" just below to view. Uploaded in a large size for easy reading. ( video coming soon)

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Joyfield Planning Commission Meeting 8/22/2013

Click Here to link to video-  

---Discussion of Draft Master Plan
---Discussion of Zoning Districts
 ---Discussion of Citizen Planner Course coming up in September

Monday, August 19, 2013

8-7-2013 Joyfield Twp Brd-& Resolution-

Click Here -links you to the last Joyfield Township Board Meeting.  A resolution was presented to the board, to review and move on, regarding the 2nd Amendment-  


Sunday, July 28, 2013

Video-Joyfield Township Planning Commission- 7-18-2013

Important meeting to watch.  Regarding the establishment of land use categories and districts in the township, discussion of what land use can occur where, or not occur and why.  If business owners in the township have a concern about new zoning that will soon be occurring in this township, it will be important to watch this video, get updated and give input right away.  

Click HERE

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Joyfield Township Board Meeting Video from 7-03-2013

Click Here

Agenda and notes below
Visit THIS LINK   to take you to a list of Planning Commission Meeting Videos.

Visit THIS LINK to take you to a list of Township Board Meeting Videos.  

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Joyfield Planning Commission 6-20-2013

Click Here for Video

Land to Lakes representative in attendance, discussion included Existing Land Use Map, and Future Land Use Map.  Zoning Districts-there will be 2.  Commercial and Rural.  All maps in draft form, discussion is ongoing. 

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Joyfield Township Board 06-05-2013

Click Here for Township Board/Planning Commission workshop held 05-15-2013.
This workshop was for the discussion of the current Blaine Township Ordinance and possibly adopting it as a Joyfield Township INTERIM ordinance.

Click Here for the Township Board meeting held on 06-05-2013.  More discussion of the possible adoption of the Blaine Ordinance.

Click Here  to read the Blaine Township Ordinance.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Joyfield Cemetery Advisory Board & Ordinance

For Ordinance Click Here

A cemetery advisory board has been formed to address some of the issues the township currently has with the cemetery. This volunteer board is chaired by Jim Evans, with Guy Sauer and Lee Streeter Sr. They have begun discussions on the establishment of a new burial section behind the annex building, the problems with the "old" part of the cemetery and what to do next.  The new cemetery ordinance is also in discussion and will likely be amendedCemetery maintenance has been mentioned.  

These meetings do not have a regular meeting date, and notice will be put up on the town hall doors.  You may contact your township clerk or members of the cemetery board as well. 

05-01-2013 Joyfield Township Board meeting/Blaine Ordinance

For a Direct Link to the Video-  CLICK HERE

Special Notice:
There will be a special meeting of the Joyfield township board on Wednesday May 15th at 6:30 p.m. to discuss and review the Blaine Township Ordinance for possible adoption for Joyfield Township.

For Blaine Ordinance Click Here

5-01-2013 Township Board from Joyfield Residents on Vimeo.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Video- Joyfield Township Board Meeting 4-3-2013 & Supervisor Public Input 3-26-2013

If you double click the image above, it should be viewable in original size and zoom should be an option.
Notes-  Foster & Smith are township legal council. 

Click HERE for Video of the 4-3-2013 twp board meeting.

Click HERE  for a video clip of supervisor Matt Emery's public input regarding the Property Maintenance Code Ordinance at the 3-26-2013  Benzie County Board of Commissioners meeting.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Joyfield Planning Commission Meeting 3-28-2012


Master Plan Goals... Cornerstones Updated

The Joyfield Planning Commission continues to work on goals to write into the master plan. 

This LINK will take you to the Older draft of the master plan goals.

This LINK will take you to the Newest draft of the master plan goals. 
There currently are 7 Cornerstones and they are not currently not in particular order of importance. It would be better to IGNORE THE NUMBERS and watch for the subtitles.  In the Master plan document, they will not be numbered either. 

The Joyfield PC welcomes comments and encourages anyone who is interested to come to meetings.   Contact info can be found on the Ag Session Results post.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Joyfield Planning Commission/Lakes to Land- Ag Session 3-7-2013 Audio clip

This audio clip will highlight the final results of this group session with members of the Joyfield Ag community.   

Lakes to Land/Joyfield Planning Commission- Ag Session- There were 17 participants, 6 observers, 6 planning commission members and 1 facilitator there.

Final Results:  As read by representatives of each group.


 This hand out explained the format and gave information.  The questions asked of the Ag community are on page 2

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Joyfield Township Board Meeting Video 3-6-2013

Video Link:  Click HERE

Meeting Notes:

*Budget Adopted-  (See attached at bottom)

*Wind Moratorium extended for 12 months.

*Investigating cost for short-term wind ordinance to fill the gap between now and when the Zoning ordinance is completed.

* Cemetery Maintenance Bid Decision

* Volunteers for Cemetery Advisory Committee needed

*International Property Maintenance Code adopted by Benzie County Board of Commissioners.......  CLICK HERE FOR DOCUMENT

Add caption

Joyfield Planning Commission Video 2-28-2013


JPC AG Session Info

Joyfield Planning Commission Meeting Video 1-31-2013 Part 1 and Part 2

It appears that directly linking to posted video is going to be easier to view than embedding videos directly to this blog.  Please follow the links.   


Saturday, February 2, 2013

Joyfield Township-Master Plan Goals & Strategies-Updated

The Planning Commission has been working on finalizing their goals and strategies.  These goals and strategies will be written into the master plan, and a new zoning ordinance will be based on the master plan.  

Goals and Strategies- Revised 01-31-2013 Click Here

Draft Existing Land Use Map & Definitions- Click here

Master Plan Goals- Click Here for Document- 12-03-2012

This is a document being used to assemble  lists of township wide goals that eventually will be written into the master plan.  Some of the goals have had much more input than others(See Cornerstone 1 versus Cornerstone 3).  The Planning Commission will be working on putting together these lists.  If you have input, please do not hesitate to attend a meeting and give your input, e-mail it, call it in to a PC member.  You can also print this report, write your ideas on it and mail it to the Joyfield Planning Commission, P.O. Box 256, Benzonia, MI.    Currently, the PC is looking for volunteers to be on Advisory Committees.