All of the residents of this unique township have the right to know what decisions their elected officials are making on their behalf. Joyfield Residents for Accountable Government have taken it upon themselves to established this blog. It will give residents who choose to use technology, a location to find information about township business, until the Joyfield Township Government develops a website of their own.

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July 11, 2012 Board Meeting Minutes

Minutes of Regular Meeting of Joyfield Township
At Joyfield Township Hall
July 11,2012

Members Present: Ken Fallowfield, Mark Evans, Guy Sauer, Christine Smith and Ted Wood

The Meeting was called to order at 7:00PM

Public Input (agenda related only)

Minutes of the June 6th township board meeting were read.  A motion to approve the minutes by Sauer and seconded by Evans passed.

Treasurers Report: General Fund Savings Balance: $42,329.89; General Fund Checking: $4978.94;  General Fund Time Deposits: $80,000.00;  Cemetery Fund Time Deposit: $17,935.37;  Cemetery Fund Savings: $721.93 and Tax Checking: $10.22.  A motion to accept the Treasurers Report was made by Sauer and seconded by Wood passed.

Approval of Bills:
Bills presented and totaling $10,707.90, are attached on a separate sheet.  A motion to approve the payment of bills by Sauer and seconded by Evans passed.

Old Business:
The township audit for FY 2011/12 was completed by Baird Cotter and Bishop on June 25,2012. A final report will be made to the board later in the summer.

The board approved a motion by wood and seconded by Sauer to amend the Township Service Fees.  FOIA fees were reduced from $25,00 per hour to $10.00 per hour.  Copies will be at $1.00 first page and 25 cents additional up to 25 copies then a new cycle starts at $1.00 first page. Oversize copies will be charged at commercial copy costs. Copies of Assessors reports will be $1.00 first page and 25 cents additional pages.

The board approved the Joyfield Township Cemetery Ordinance proposed by the previous board with adjustments from attorney recommendations.  Lots will now be purchased and perpetual care will be part of the purchase. The ordinance passed on a voice vote: Aye: Evans, Sauer, Fallowfield, Smith, and Wood.

The board approved a motion by Wood and seconded by Fallowfield to have Mason Construction replace the roof with 50year shingles at a cost of  $9,021.41. The motion was passed on a voice vote: Smith No and Evans, Sauer Fallowfield and Wood Aye.

Committee Report:
Betsy Evans reported on The Township Visioning Session and activities on the Lakes to Land Collaborative.  Additional comments were made by Susan Zenker.

The County Board of Commissioners will be holding a Public Hearing on September 18th at 9:00a.m. to review changes to the 9-1-1 Service Plan.

The Northwest Michigan Council of Governments is requesting tax data on parcels for a study.  Guy Sauer will follow up with inquiries about the study prior to our release of tax data.

New Business: 
One of the recommendations from the township audit team was a revision of the budget for FY 2012/13.  The budget should reflect anticipated project work on roads and a projected ending fund balance after expenditures. A motion to revise the budget was made n by Wood and seconded by Smith.  The motion passed: Aye: Smith, Evans, Sauer, Wood and Fallowfield.

Public Input: Tom Hart, Adrian Poulisse, Jim Evans and Jane Meyers

A motion to adjourn by Smith and seconded by Evans passed.
The meeting adjourned at 8:09p.m..

Submitted By:

Ted L. Wood

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