All of the residents of this unique township have the right to know what decisions their elected officials are making on their behalf. Joyfield Residents for Accountable Government have taken it upon themselves to established this blog. It will give residents who choose to use technology, a location to find information about township business, until the Joyfield Township Government develops a website of their own.

Feel free to e-mail your questions or comments.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Examples of Township Newsletters: Joyfield Says They Can't Afford to do one.

These Newsletters came in Tax Bills- the only extra cost to the townships were the ink, paper and the time to put one together, unless

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Planning Commission- Agenda of Meeting 1-15-2015

Betsy wrote a RFP(request for proposal) to send to companies who write zoning ordinances professionally, to help Joyfield PC with their Zoning Ordinance.  A suggestion made during Public Input was that since Joyfield is similar to Colfax & Weldon, looking at their new Zoning Ordinance might be helpful.  The PC did not appear to be open to that suggestion

Agenda & Question

The Joyfield Township Board requested