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March 27, 2012 Special Meeting- Budget Approval- Dictation

Special Budget Approval Meeting 3-27-2012
(This is a dictation of an audio recording taken during the meeting)

Guy and Mark absent

Public Input:

Deb L. - Minutes not very detailed from last meeting.  Understand will be purchasing new computers.  Knows you have appointed committees that work for free.  Concerned there’s no money, since joining regional master plan and you have a planning commission ordinance in the paper, that there’s been no money set aside for zoning in the budget.  Understands the committee of 5 has been given a lot of stuff to do for nothing, (no pay) and wonder if it should be considered having money for zoning. 

Gary G-  Wasn’t here when ordinances put question to the board is...........

KF:  Interrupts.......(Public input can only be on agenda items)

Gary G- This has got to do with the budget, yes it does, definitely.  When those ordinances went in, did the board take into consideration, into the budget, that if and when these ordinances are contested, has the township, in their budget, do they have the money for attorneys, or are we going to go bankrupt like last time that the township had zoning ordinances contested.  Is there money in the budget for attorney fees for a long term court battle to contest these.

JE:  Would also like to see line item in budget for zoning. I think that’s important if we’re going to zone.  We need some money to go towards zoning.  I do appreciate what the board has done, and their hard work here recently.

KF:  Anyone else??  Thanks??  We have contacted the MTA and are working with them exclusively and extensively and I believe we are on the right track.

Chris Smith Discusses budget. 

Officers Wages:

Trustees- 4000.00
Supervisor- 4500.00- Supervisor Expense-  1500.00
Assessor- 7600.00  Assessor Expense- 3500.00
Clerk- 6500.00  Clerk Expense-2500.00
Treasurer- 8500.00  Treasurer Expense 3500.00

KF:  Any further discussion.

CS:  We may take into consideration, the things that were discussed in public input.

KF:  Currently as it stands with the committees we’ve put in place, everything is voluntary.  Everyone on that board has expressed their willingness to proceed pro-bono and I take that in good faith and I don’t believe we need to expend any funds for someone who’s not being paid.  However I do understand there is some concern here as  far as for possible future use with regards to that end, and I would state that maybe we could change or adapt part of our general fund to that end, to the tune of 3,000 or so, which I think would be overkill, I don’t think we need any money for it, but as I said, it’s not going to be used, and it go back in the general fund next time, and I think we can go through that.


Motion by Ted Wood to allocate 3,000.00 to cover related expenses for the master plan.
Chris Smith 2nd.

Roll Call Vote-  All ayes

KF:  Motion and vote to enact a fund for the possibility of use with the committees we have formed.  That would also be appropriate, since we’ve allotted 3,000, to have a motion to use it with the committees we have formed.

CS:  Questions since we don’t have full board, should we wait it and vote later?

KF:   I believe we have a quorum at this point.  I believe that our other two trustees are on board with the master collaborative plan as it is written, and since they have voted in agreement, I think in the spirit of this meeting, they are with us.  We have a quorum and I believe we can vote as a quorum and I would vote to proceed at this time.
Do we have a motion.

TW:  Motion to proceed.............KF interrupts and corrects TW, telling him what needs to be moved on.  

KF:  Believes should make a motion to establish a 3000.00 line item fund specifically and all related use to and of for the committees established collaborative master plan.

CS: 2nds but Ted never corrected his  motion, letting KF speak it for him.

TW:  Moves to adopt the budget as presented.

CS:  2nd   Motion carried.

 Meeting Adjourned

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