All of the residents of this unique township have the right to know what decisions their elected officials are making on their behalf. Joyfield Residents for Accountable Government have taken it upon themselves to established this blog. It will give residents who choose to use technology, a location to find information about township business, until the Joyfield Township Government develops a website of their own.

Feel free to e-mail your questions or comments.

Friday, October 12, 2012

E-mail Updates

If you  KNOW someone or you yourself who would like to be on an e-mail list to receive updates about meetings and special meetings, please send your e-mail address to :

We will do our best to send out notices promptly.  Thank You

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for keeping the residents informed. It is sad that our own board doesn't believe that having this type of site is valuable or a priority.
