All of the residents of this unique township have the right to know what decisions their elected officials are making on their behalf. Joyfield Residents for Accountable Government have taken it upon themselves to established this blog. It will give residents who choose to use technology, a location to find information about township business, until the Joyfield Township Government develops a website of their own.

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Saturday, February 6, 2016

Joyfield Township Board Meeting Jan 06, 2016

Notes from the meeting: 
*All members present

*No public input

*Clerk reads minutes from last meeting.

*Treasurer's report: GF Beginning Bal- 75,108.89; Net Dep- 1,159; Board Spenditures- 4,144.63 = 72,123.26. Bal- GF Sav- 72123.26; GF Check-5,000; Time Dep- 80,000; Cemetery Time Dep- 17935.37; Cemetery Savings- 1023.62; Tax checking-11.36; = Total Cash Bal- 176,093.61. Bills- totaling 7,937.39. Bills paid. (township officials got their part payment of income) 

* Reports: 
--Gary Sauer- The Benzie County Board of Commissioners had their organizational meeting, and were unable to elect a Chairperson or Vice Chairperson- votes were tied. Yearly meetings were established, no more afternoon meetings, but there may be evening meetings if townships would like to host a BOC meeting. 
--Joyfield PC- Ted Wood- December meeting cancelled. Township received grant for collaborative zoning, (see article posted below).Next Pc meeting- January 21st. 
--Jim Evans- Cemetery meeting Dec 16th, working on cemetery ordinance, revisions, hope to be done by mid spring and would like to have it revised by then, including revisions to address conditions that the cemetery & board have faced recently (improperly placed Veterans marker). The Local Roads Committee is working on setting a date. 

*Correspondence- from Oak Grove regarding the Veteran's marker. Matt personally talked to Mr. Jensen of Oak Grove. **Old Business- Cemetery Concerns- Since the weather is in, there will be no action right now on the improperly placed marker. Matt has talked to the township attorneys who have expressed an opinion that the township has the authority to move things within the cemetery as part of their maintenance provision. Open to suggestions, considering sending one more request [letter to the family], for assistance, if they don't get it, they'll [the township] will just have to move it when it's appropriate for the township. Jim E. says he believes the boundaries have been clearly marked and the marker is not on the proper lot , partially on partially off. He thinks it's unfortunate that there has been no communication back [from the family) to find resolution for this. He agrees one last letter to find what their intentions are, should be sent. Ted asks if a lack of reply would be taken as it's up to the board [to move the marker]. Jim says he would think so. Matt thinks one more notice, because of the weather, to give those concerned their every chance to provide their input, or Jim says to find out if there are any intentions of changing things. Ted says nothing can take place until the frost is out of the ground, Matt agrees. Matt will bring a draft of the notice to the next meeting. 

*Off Premise Sign moratorium- the township attorneys have drafted a moratorium against any placement of "off-premise" signs [billboards]. This will not include signs erected by businesses or signs business owners have planned to erect. Ted has made adjustments to the language in the sign ordinance. Only a summary of the ordinance will be published, you will have to contact the clerk for the ordinance in it's entirety. 

* New Business- Board of Review member Ken Fallowfield will be unable to finish his term, and Bob Meyers has agreed to fill the rest of the term. Matt will then go on the search for an alternate. The board makes a motion to appoint Bob Meyers to Board of Review. They will send several members to the Board of Review Training. 

* Ted talks about the audit of the township books. He's satisfied with current auditors and would make a motion to contact them for this year's audit. 

* Ordinance enforcement officer- There's been no need for one since the townships only liquor license holder went away. A couple things have come up- cemetery thing and the sign thing- there has come a need to appoint someone to serve notice to people or to handle permitting processes- coordinating. Rob Lozowski has agreed to fill that position. When Matt talked to him, he indicated maybe the pay should be increased from 440$. Matt is not in favor of increasing this yet. In time it should be increases if commensurate with responsibilities. In the near future, he doesn't have a specific task for that person. He makes a motion that the board extend appointment to Mr. Lozowski as township ordinance officer for current rate of pay. If he [Mr. Lozowski] doesn't accept the current rate of pay, they'll [the board] can come back in February to re-evaluate it. Matt says they can appoint someone at any regular meeting or remove someone the same way. Jim supports the motion. Ted- There are two months left on the pay schedule. Do they want to appoint now, or April one? Jim asks if it is pro-ratable? Ted says it can be pro-rated and should be pro-rated. Jim says he believes we need an ordinance officer when things do happen in an untimely fashion. Matt doesn't think it's right to raise the pay level to what he's [Mr. Lozowski] has suggested, just yet, on the other hand, he doesn't think people qualified to fill this role the way he is are in abundance. Matt was thinking- extend the offer, come back in February and make it official. The motion will be to appoint Mr. Lozowski in February at the current pay scale. Motion passed. 

* Ted needs permission from board to write a clearing check to Alliance for Economic success so they can administer the funds to the townships for the collaborative zoning. The pass-through grant was made out to Joyfield Township. Jim wonders if he should abstain, the board says no. Motion passed. Public Input question- Looking for clarification on grant received, how it helps Joyfield? It will help Blaine revise their ordinance which they adopted from the county? Ted Wood responds. The grant is to Lakes to Land, which does not have a bank account, and AES is a fiduciary for Lakes to Land. AES will then pay Beckett & Raeder for their work on this project for which the grant was issued. Lakes to Land applied for the grant. No other public comment. Board member comments- Jennifer- will have office hours Feb 16th from 9 to 5 at 5143 Demurely Rd. to collect taxes. 

*Meeting adjourned.

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